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Self-investment: the power of you

The digital era plus the recent pandemic has exploded the need for new business models, new ways of working, and flexible cultures that foster the development of critical new skills. Latest research outlined in IBM’s Enterprise guide to closing the skills gap’ reveals that a shift has occurred with executives placing greater emphasis on the need for soft skills. This new world calls for creativity and empathy, an ability to change course quickly, and a propensity to seek out personal growth. CEOs also affirmed that the ‘availability of these key skills’ does affect the organisation’s growth prospects. The skills gap is a pain point for CEOs with 55% of respondents stating it impeded innovation and 52% stating it prompted higher people costs (PwC 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey 2019). Dr Daniel Goleman, the ultimate guru in Emotional Intelligence, maps out the EI journey and tools that can drive change through learning, application and reflection.


‘To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge’ according to Confucius the influential Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political figure. Goleman outlines 12 competencies for understanding and developing EI under the domains of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. These competencies help develop the leader’s mindset to improve decision-making, increase productivity, enhance focus, develop mentoring skills, and ultimately boost greater well-being and career satisfaction. Developing these competencies will ignite your self-investment journey and future proof your development for years to come.

Apply & Assess

One of the most effective ways to assess your EI is to ask both yourself and those around you how they rate you on a number of EI competencies. This is useful to understand your initial starting level and to assess your progress. Generally, the larger the gap between your self-ratings and how others see you, indicates areas for improvements. Coaching is one of the most effective ways to improve these skills. Having a dedicated expert to support you during your journey of self-discovery, guiding you through the windows of exploration, and probing for deeper understanding can be invaluable.


Journaling and reflecting are an intentional way to externalise your true thoughts, feelings and responses to a situation or person. By laying down your inner thoughts on paper, you are consciously taking responsibility for understanding your emotions and their impacts. For true insight and sustainable change, there is a need to go beyond the surface and explore your values and mindsets. They may be blocking your true self, and hindering your ability to make clear decisions, cultivate healthier relationships, and create better outcomes.


According to Warren Buffet, The American business tycoon ‘The most important investment you can make is in yourself – the more you learn, the more you earn’. Many of us, however, get ” stuck” in life, limiting our success by our beliefs, thoughts, and habits. Freeing ourselves from this self-imposed jail allows us to unlock our potential innovation, drive, and confidence to push forward in unchartered territories. The opportunities to achieve success and growth are before you, ready for the taking, and within your reach. Harness the power of you—your greatest asset.


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